Feel the difference
Before and After Dental Case images are great source of actual dental work done for patients and the difference it shows from what it looked to what it is now.
Comparing the before and after images or discussing the changes verbally allows patients and dentists to see the progress made and the positive impact of the dental treatment. It can serve as a visual or tangible representation of the improvements in oral health, aesthetics, functionality, and overall well-being.
When she decided to come to us, she was certain that she wanted to have her teeth corrected via full arch implant. She had very good patience and was extremely cooperative. Now she can eat properly and smile with confidence. Congratulation for the big steps that you took and the major changes that you made.
I lost my tooth during the root canal therapy a few years ago. I was always shamed to smile and speak widely. When I found out about Denwest Dental Clinic I got advice to replace this tooth with an implant. After full examination with doctor Tamimi, I got all my questions answered and I decided to do my implant. This was a great decision because now I can smile and eat with confidence. Thank you so much Denwest Dental Clinic and all the team members that helped me achieve my confidence.
I found a huge difference after I got my implant in compare of before. Having the lost tooth back is very exiting and brings the confidence back. I am thankful of Dr. Tamimi and his team for that great job they did for me and mage me smile again.
When I came to Denwest Dental as an emergency patient, I was in sever pain. My tooth had a sist and infection. There was no other way to save it except to extract and do the implant. I am thrilled by the treatment plan, cure and implant procedures. Now my teeth appearance has back to normal giving me the confidence of talking , eating and smiling.
My happiness is beyond the reality. I can’t believe how seamless and comfortable the implant is. It has greatly improved my quality of life. I can really live now, speak, eat and smile. I’m so grateful for the skilled dentist who performed the implant. The implant blends in perfectly with my other teeth. This implant has restored my confidence and made me feel more comfortable in social situations.
Having a crown for 50 years has caused tooth decay underneath the crown. The old crown had a bad appearance and was broken. She got a new fresh look by having a new crown replacement. We are happy for you and glad to see you were glad with the results. Thank you for your visit, and enjoy your new beautiful smile.
I’m really happy with the outcome of Invisalign. It’s a life-changer! I want to thank Dr. Hamid for the grate job he did. I have the courage to smile now. I can’t believe how natural the my teeth looks. My confidence has been restored and I can’t stop smiling! my new look has made such a positive difference in my life.
Deep Bite Treatment.
Wow…This is a life-changing
This shows the three step of dental procedures involving Invisalign and veneer. She was unsatisfied of the look of her front teeth and went through the treatment for almost a year to get to the final result of having a beautiful smile with confidence. I did not like my smile “she says” and hiding the look of my teeth was difficult when I really wanted to laugh. I could not believe my new me when I looked at the mirror after the procedure was done.
I’m really happy with the outcome of the implant. It’s a life-changer! I want to thank Dr. Hamid for the grate job he did. My implant looks and feels amazing and I can’t believe how natural the implant looks. It’s exceeded my expectations. I feel like I have my original tooth back. My confidence has been restored and I can’t stop smiling! my new look has made such a positive difference in my life.
I’m so grateful for the skilled team who made my new look beautiful. It’s flawless. It’s truly life-changing.
I am so thankful for such a big change! It’s a great feeling to have a clean and fresh mouth after a dental cleaning. I will Keep up the good work and make sure to continue with regular dental check-ups and cleanings to maintain my oral health!
Achieving a brighter and whiter smile is a goal that many people share. We are able to remove the surface stains that are on the outer surface of the teeth. By giving us a visit, we can allow you to reach your cosmetic dream.
I could not find any picture of mine smiling in my photo album. By default I was refusing to smile and that became my habit. From today, things have changed. I am so happy now and look for a reason to laugh and smile after fixing my Diastema Gap.
Unit 110, 7777 Weston Rd.Woodbridge, Ontario City of Vaughan, L4L 0G8
(905) 850 3739
Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 8:00pm
Sat: 9:00am to 7:00pm
Sun: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Denwest Dental Clinic © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Designed by Publicize Pro Inc.
Woodbridge Family Dental Clinic at Heart Of City of Vaughan
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sun: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
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